Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section: Training
Current and past trainings along with web sites listed below are just a few examples that you may use to obtain continuing education credit when available. You will need to follow instructions for receiving credit from the Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section (WICWS) or other web sites. It is your responsibility to maintain your receipt of credits from each training in a file for documentation purposes and to take all credits upon leaving the agency. Share this page with all local women's health staff including your providers, nurses, enhanced role nurses, health educators, nutritionists, social workers, management support, budget/financial personnel, etc.
[+] Expand All Items Below | [-] Contract All Items Below
Family Planning/Title X Medical Director Required Trainings Resource List 05/01/23
Required Title X/Family Planning Trainings 11/04/24
Family Planning Staff Title X Orientation Checklists, Title X Family Planning Program Annual Training Record and Archived Orientation Checklists and Program Annual Training Record Webinar - 11/04/24
It is the responsibility of every Title X Local Health Department to have all Title X funded staff and staff who provide services to Title X patients (e.g., management support, lab, social workers, health educators, nurses, clinicians/providers/Medical Directors, and other staff) complete the following required trainings detailed below. If your Local Health Director position is not Title X-funded, the NC Division of Public Health (NC DPH) recommends these training courses to be taken by the Local Health Director as well.
These requirements will be monitored annually by the Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section (WICWS) and by the Regional Nurse Consultants during monitoring site visits.
The live Family Planning Title X Orientation Checklists and Title X Family Planning Program Annual Training Record Webinar (55.5 minutes) occurred on May 12, 2023, and slides can be viewed. The purpose of the webinar was to introduce local, regional, and state staff to both documents and encourage staff to ask questions. The following information will outline both training documents which are required Title X Family Planning trainings in North Carolina.
The Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect/Confidentiality Issues Webinar was held on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 9:00 am – 11 am . 11/04/24
The webinar's goal is to educate Title X Family Planning staff, and other staff identified by the agency, on mandatory reporting requirements. This webinar will educate the staff on the legal definitions of child abuse and/or neglect. It will also review the obligations for reporting suspected child abuse and/or neglect to DSS and/or Law Enforcement. This is a required annual training for all staff members funded by or involved with the Title X Family Planning program.
Please note that the recording states 2 NCPD contact hours were available, but that was only available for those who attended the live training. Those viewing the archived webinar may earn 1.25 NCPD contact hours. The Public Health Nursing Institute for Continuing Excellence is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. To obtain credit/certificate, you must attend 100% of the educational activity and complete the online course evaluation here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/0319AB.
Please save, print, or screenshot your certificate for your files. Training Certificates will not be regenerated.
Kirsten E. Leloudis, JD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Law and Government
School of Government, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Watch Webinar
Disclosure Slides
1. NC Title X Orientation Checklists 07/01/24
- One time, within 60 days of hire, Title X-funded staff and staff who provide services to Title X patients are required to complete the 2024-2025 Title X Orientation Checklists 07/01/24.
- All new staff must complete the tab labeled “All Staff Orientation.” Other tabs are role-specific; new staff must complete the tab that matches their role in working with Title X patients.
- Originals of initial orientation documents (i.e., All Staff Title X Orientation Checklist and Role-specific Checklists) must be on file in the employee’s personnel file and retained in accordance with 2021 General Records Schedule, Standard 4, Items 4.28 and 4.41 (Source: https://archives.ncdcr.gov/media/1066/open). Copies must be readily accessible and available for review by the WICWS Regional Nurse Consultant during monitoring.
- Even if the Local Health Director position is not Title X-funded, NC DPH recommends the above training course to be taken by the Local Health Director.
- Create your Reproductive Health National Training Center (RHNTC) training account or Log into your account and register for courses. Visit RHNTC training account to learn more information.
- Depending upon your internet connection, it may take 2 minutes or more to load an e-learning course. If you have connection issues, try another web browser like Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, try viewing it at different times of the day and/or consult local IT staff.
- If RHNTC certificate download problems occur, the person must contact the RHNTC
2. NC Title X Family Planning Program Annual Training Record 11/04/24
- By May 31 of each year, all Title X-funded staff and staff who provide services to Title X patients are required to complete the annual trainings indicated on the 2024-2025 Title X Family Planning Program Annual Training 11/05/24.
- No later than June 30 of each year, the Title X Family Planning Program Annual Training Record must be signed by your local Family Planning Medical Director and submitted to Kristen Carroll, Reproductive Health Branch Head, at kristen.carroll@dhhs.nc.gov
- A new spreadsheet will be made available with each new Agreement Addendum (AA) to alert staff to which trainings are required each year.
- Even if the Local Health Director position is not Title X-funded, NC DPH recommends the above training course to be taken by the Local Health Director.
- Create your Reproductive Health National Training Center (RHNTC) training account or Log into your account and register for courses. Visit RHNTC training account to learn more information.
- Depending upon your internet connection, it may take 2 minutes or more to load an e-learning course. If you have connection issues, try another web browser like Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, try viewing it at different times of the day and/or consult local IT staff.
- If RHNTC certificate download problems occur, the person must contact the RHNTC.
Women's Health Non-Required Trainings 03/12/25
Women's Health Agreement Addenda Update, March 2025 03/12/25
Purpose: Directors, managers and lead Family Planning and Maternal Health staff will learn about changes to the 2025 - 2026 Family Planning and Maternal Health Agreement Addenda.
A. Family Planning Agreement Addenda
Slides, Archived Webinar and Handouts:
- Slides 03/12/25
- Watch Webinar 03/12/25
B. Maternal Health Agreement Addenda
Slides, Archived Webinar and Handouts:
- Slides 03/12/25
- Watch Webinar 03/12/25
Family Planning Non-Required Trainings - 01/29/25
1. Family Planning Media Review Webinar FY24-25 - 01/29/25
The Family Planning Media Review Webinar FY24-25 was originally held on January 28th, 2025. Title X funded agencies are required to submit all informational and educational materials prior to disseminating them to family planning clients and the community. This is an annual mandatory requirement. During this webinar, we reviewed the NEW Media Review forms, Smart Sheet submission process, and the required Title X funding language for media materials. We identified key points of the WICWS Media Review FAQs Document. New Family Planning Medicaid Materials and other supporting resources were provided to improve the media review process. Lastly, agencies were given the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback about the Media Review process.
Naisha Coley, MPH
Reproductive Health Program
Consultant, Reproductive Health Branch, Division of Public Health
Averyl Edwards ,
Family Planning Medicaid Program Manager, Reproductive Health
Division of Public Health
2. Mandatory Reporting Office Hours - 01/16/25
This office hours session was held on January 9, 2025. It begins with a review of North Carolina’s mandatory reporting requirements for health professionals who serve minor patients and group discussion of case studies. The session then transitions to a review of North Carolina’s minor’s consent law and the law governing the provision of care to minors who are receiving services from their local department of social services (DSS). The majority of the session was used to allow attendees to ask questions and talk through complex case studies.
Kirsten E. Leloudis, JD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Law and Government
School of Government, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Overview of Family Planning Training Requirements (New and Current Staff) Webinar was on September 16, 2024, 9 - 10 am. The Office Hours webinar will guide participants through the Title X Orientation Checklists and Family Planning Annual Training Record available via Smartsheet.
Patty Kempton, MPH, BSN, RN, CCPHN
Regional Nurse Consultant Supervisor, Reproductive Health Branch, Division of
Public Health
Webinar Recording
Webinar(40 minutes)
4. Family Planning Office Hours: Implementing Client-Centered-Care Webinar - 09/04/24
The Family Planning Office Hours: Implementing Client- Centered Care Webinar was on September 4, 2024, 12 - 1 pm. The Office Hours webinar provided a summary of best practice in client-centered care in reproductive health, with role-play clinic examples and a guest speaker describing implementation of client-centered care in a NC Local Health Department. We strongly recommend staff view the archived “Client-Centered Care and FY25 Agreement Addendum (AA) 151 Attachment C Webinar” via below and Smartsheet.
Tonia Luna, RN, CPHN
Durham County Health Department
Patty Kempton, MPH, BSN, RN, CCPHN
Regional Nurse Consultant Supervisor, Reproductive Health Branch, Division of Public
Sujan Joshi, MSN, RN, FNP-C
Statewide Family Planning Nurse Consultant, Reproductive Health Branch, Division of
Public Health
Webinar Recording
1 Webinar (37minutes)
2 Webinar (6 minutes)
5. Trauma Informed Practices: Enhancing Your Clinic’s Physical Environment - 07/26/24
The Trauma Informed Practices: Enhancing Your Clinic’s Physical Environment Webinar was on June 27, 2024, 12-1:30 pm. Trauma-Informed Care remains one of the most requested training topics for the NC Title X network. This webinar was the first in a series and started by examining simple and manageable steps to modify your Family Planning Clinic space and promote psychological and physical safety to patients and staff. Participants engaged in interactive activities, heard about initiatives at other local health departments and considered how to incorporate these changes into your clinic’s annual Community Education, Engagement and Quality Improvement Plan (CEQ).
Jessica Johnson, MPH
Reproductive Justice Coordinator, Reproductive
Health Branch, Division of Public Health
Naisha Coley
Reproductive Health Program Consultant, Reproductive Health Branch, Division of
Public Health
Webinar Recording
Slides and watch webinar (64 minutes)
6. Family Planning Smartsheet and Clinic Locator Database Updates Webinar - 07/08/24
The Family Planning Smartsheet and Clinic Locator Database Updates Webinar was July 8, 2024 at 9:00 am. The Smartsheet for Agreement Addenda (AA) Activity 151 Family Planning was discussed. As noted in the FY25 AA, the Smartsheet will be utilized to submit required activities. The webinar included a walk-through of the new Office of Population Affairs (OPA) Clinic Locator Database website.
Kristen Carroll, MPH
Branch Head, Reproductive Health Branch,
of Public Health
Marissa Peters, MPH
Data Manager,
Reproductive Health Branch, Division of Public Health
Webinar Recording
Watch webinar (42 minutes)
7. Client-Centered Care and FY25 Agreement Addendum (AA) 151 Attachment C Webinar - 06/21/24
The Client-Centered Care and FY25 Agreement Addendum (AA) 151 Attachment C Webinar was held on Thursday, June 20, 2024, 12 – 1:30 pm .
Providing client-centered care is critical in meeting our client’s reproductive health needs. However, assuring we are responsive to our client’s goals as they define them requires intentional effort on our part. This webinar will started by examining the history of Title X clinical services in our state to understand how the AA requirements have evolved. We then transitioned to reviewing changes in Attachment C over the last couple of years designed to help you focus care more on individual clients’ needs, and we explored why client-centered care is so important. Finally, we reviewed some clinical scenarios to help you incorporate more client-centered care techniques into your Family Planning Clinic visits.
Patty Kempton, MPH, BSN, RN, CCPHN
Regional Nurse Consultant
Supervisor, Reproductive Health Branch, Division of Public Health
Sujan Joshi, MSN, RN, FNP-C
Statewide Family Planning Nurse
Consultant, Reproductive Health Branch, Division of Public Health
Handouts and Webinar Recording
Watch webinar 06/21/24
8. Family Planning Medicaid Overview Webinar - 05/14/24
The pre-recorded webinar can be accessed on the Resources page, click the Family Planning Medicaid title, and see the Resources for Providers and Partners section.
9. Social Media: Connecting to Your Family Planning Community (3/5/24 and 3/12/24) - 06/26/24
The Family Planning Community Engagement, Education, and Quality Improvement Plan (CEQ) Open Office Hours Webinar was on February 21, 1 – 2 pm for local health departments and agencies. The Community Engagement, Education, & Quality Improvement Plan (CEQ) is an annual mandatory requirement for all Title X sites. The Rockingham County Health Department shared their CEQ plan.
During the webinar, we:
- Identified the key points of the FY23-24 Community Engagement, Education and Quality Improvement Plan (CEQ) submissions.
- Identified at least two strategies to promote continued community participation in the CEQ
- Named at least two resources that support Title X agencies when implementing the CEQ process.
- Gave organizations the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback about their CEQ process.
Naisha Coley, MPH
Reproductive Health Program Consultant
Reproductive Health Branch, Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section
Jeenie Shelton, BSN, RN, CPHN, ERRN
Family Planning Nurse Coordinator
Rockingham County Health Department
Handouts and Webinar Recording
Engaging Diverse Community Partners (PDF, 366 KB)
Using Virtual and Remote Outreach to Meet CPEP Requirements (PDF, 182 KB)
Family Planning Patient Satisfaction Paper Survey (PDF, 111 KB); Spanish (PDF, 150 KB)
The Minor’s Consent & S.L. 2023-106: What Did & Did Not Change for LHDs Webinar was February 15, 2024, 12-1:30 pm. The webinar addressed North Carolina’s minor’s consent law, including when minors can consent to certain care on their own and how records related to those encounters must be handled under state law and HIPAA. The webinar also included an overview of the new parental consent requirements in S.L. 2023-106.
This new law did not change minor’s consent but is important for providers to be aware of because of its impact on how parental consent for a minor’s care must be obtained and documented.
Kirsten Leloudis, J.D., MPHAssistant Professor of Public Law and Government
UNC-Chapel School of Government
Handout, Evaluation and Webinar Recording
Slides (PDF, 2.6 MB) and EvaluationWatch Webinar
12. Exploring the Social Determinants of Health (No CEs offered) - 01/10/24
The Exploring the Social Determinants of Health Webinar was held on Tuesday, December 12, 12pm – 1pm .
Advancing health equity through the delivery of services is a Title X priority. This webinar, offered by the Reproductive Health Branch, will give NC Title X grantees the chance to review what the social determinants of health are, how they uniquely impact people of reproductive age, and how addressing these needs can advance health equity. Additionally, two staff members from Cleveland County Health Department will share information on their “A Bag in Time” initiative as a way to address food insecurity.
Please note that live participants had the opportunity to review a case study in breakout rooms, which is not included in the recording.
Jessica Johnson, MPH
Reproductive Justice Coordinator, Division of Public Health
Anne Short and Zakoya Spikes
Cleveland County Health Department
Handout and Webinar Recording
& Passcode: %kZuk=3@
13. Family Planning Annual Report 2.0 Webinar (No CEs offered) - 07/26/23
The Family Planning Annual Report 2.0 Update Live Webinar was held on July 24th from noon-1pm
The goal of this webinar is to update LHD’s on the progress of FPAR 2.0 implementation and review FY 23-24 form integration with the new data elements.
Marissa Peters, MPH
Reproductive Health Data Manager, Division of Public Health
Handout and Webinar Recording
14. Providing Basic Infertility Services in Title X Clinics - The evaluation closed on 12/31/2023 and no credit will be given after that date. 01/02/24
The Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section Reproductive Health Branch hosted the Providing Basic Infertility Services in Title X Clinics Webinar on December 7, 2022, to highlight up-to-date guidance on infertility care within Title X Family Planning Clinics. This presentation reviewed diagnosis and management of fertility, maximizing fertility preconception health, as well as strategies for counseling patients on this topic in a client-centered and culturally appropriate way.
Suggested AudienceTitle X Family Planning Clinic nurses, providers, inter-professionals, and other clinical staff are encouraged to view the webinar.
ObjectivesBy the end of this presentation, attendees should be able to:
- Define infertility and its common causes
- Optimize preconception health for individuals seeking fertility care
- Identify pertinent medical history questions and labs to assist in diagnosing infertility
- Identify lifestyle changes that will maximize fertility
- Define Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), understand it's causes and lifestyle factors
Rachel Peragallo Urrutia, MD, MS, FACOG
Women's Health Medical Consultant
Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section
Division of Public Health - North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Erin Hoffman, MS, RDN, LDN
Nutrition Consultant
Maternal Health Branch - Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section
Division of Public Health - North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Archived Webinar Slides (PDF, 687 KB)
Listen to the webinar recording (1:28:24) Passcode: fV6X7$E$
15. Expanding Community Access to Family Planning Services Webinar (No CEs offered) - 12/06/22
The webinar showcased ideas for expanding family planning (FP) clinic services. This webinar featured New Hanover, Robeson, and Mecklenburg Counties discussing how their FP clinics offer expanded services to their communities.
Handouts and Webinar Recording
Offering Extended Hours in FP Clinic Sheet (PDF, 306 KB)
Slides - Email Mary.Rodgers@dhhs.nc.gov for a copy.
Listen to the webinar (1 hour, 17 seconds).
General viewing instructions are as follows.
- Please allow time for the recording to load.
- Adjust your internal or external computer speaker volume as needed to hear the presenters.
- The recording can be heard by using Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web browsers.
- Direct questions about the recording to the Mary.Rodgers@dhhs.nc.gov.
16. Family Planning Annual Report 2.0 Live Webinar (No CEs offered) - 02/06/23
The Family Planning Annual Report 2.0 Live Webinar was held on September 20th from noon-1pm
The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) is enhancing its data collection through the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR) for the Title X program. The new iteration will be called FPAR 2.0.
This is data we are required to submit as a grantee of the federal Title X Family Planning program. Your agencies are currently submitting data for FPAR and we are providing information on the changes to the new system, FPAR 2.0.
The goal of this webinar is to discuss the OPA changes and timeline for implementing the changes.
Marissa Peters, MPH
Reproductive Health Data Manager, Division of Public Health
Handout and Webinar Recording
Slides (PDF, 533 KB)
Family Planning Annual
Report (FPAR) 2.0 Data Elements
(PDF, 228 KB) 09/30/22
to the webinar
and Passcode: DDdcUC0^ (40.5 minutes).
Frequently Asked Questions
(PDF, 271 KB) 02/08/23
Demographic Questions
(PDF, 235 KB) 02/08/23
Clinical Questions (PDF,
183 KB) 02/08/23
General viewing instructions are as follows.
- Please allow time for the recording to load.
- Adjust your internal or external computer speaker volume as needed to hear the presenters.
- The recording can be heard by using Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers.
- Direct questions about the recording to the Reproductive Health Data Manager Marissa.peters@dhhs.nc.gov
Purpose: The purpose of these webinars is to educate Title X subrecipients about the quality improvement process for the Community Engagement Education Awareness Plan and Quality Improvement Project (CEQ). These cover the principles of quality improvement, how to complete a quality improvement cycle, walk through the CEQ template, provide information on how and when to submit your CEQ and provide ideas for quality improvement projects.
For further information, visit https://wicws.dph.ncdhhs.gov/provpart/forms.htm:
- Click Family Planning section
- See Other Forms heading and
- See Community Engagement Plan, Education and Service Promotion Plan and Quality Improvement Project (CEQ) .
If you have questions about the recording, please contact Kristen Carroll, Family Planning Director Kristen.Carroll@dhhs.nc.gov or 919-707-5685.
CEQ Webinar Series
One: Understanding the CEQ
- Slides, (PDF, 1.3 MB) 02/23/23
CEQ Webinar Series
Two: Community Engagement Plan
- Slides, (PDF, 436 KB) 02/23/23
CEQ Webinar Series
Three: Community Education and Awareness Plan
- Slides, (PDF, 501 KB) 02/23/23
CEQ Webinar Series
Four: Quality Improvement Project
- Slides, (PDF, 558 KB) 02/23/23
CEQ Webinar Series
Five: Submitting with Success
- Slides, (PDF, 336 KB) 02/23/23
CEQ Webinar Series
Six: Exploring Quality Improvement
- Slides, (PDF, 336 KB) 02/23/23
18. Trauma-Informed Reproductive Health Care -- Practical Pearls and Pitfalls Webinar The evaluation closed on 10/15/23 and no credit will be given after that date. 10/16/23
Purpose The Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section Reproductive Health Branch hosted the Trauma-Informed Reproductive Health Care -- Practical Pearls and Pitfalls Webinar on March 31, 2022, to highlight trauma-informed care in Title X Family Planning Clinics. Title X requires that all family planning services must be client centered, culturally and linguistically appropriate, inclusive as well as trauma-informed.
Suggested Audience Title X Family Planning Clinic Clerical, Laboratory, Nurses, Medical Director, Medical Doctors, Certified Nurse Mid-Wives, Physician Assistants, Social Workers, and other clinical staff are encouraged to view the webinar
Objectives By the end of this presentation, attendees should be
able to
- Explain the roles of various clinic personnel in providing safe, trauma-informed patient care in the reproductive health setting.
- Describe universal trauma precautions involving communication and behaviors to adopt and avoid.
- Identify environmental considerations for creating a trauma-informed clinical space.
Speaker Dr. Amina White, MD, MA, FACOG, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Archived Webinar and Slides (PDF, 1.8 MB).
Listen to the webinar recording (1 hour, 32 minutes). Two Reproductive Health National Training Center (RHNTC) resources from webinar.
19. Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs) Webinars (No CEs offered) - 03/06/23
A. Fertility Awareness Based Methods of Family Planning (FABMs): What are they and how do they work webinar? - 2/5/20
Purpose: Attendee will learn Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs) of family planning; the female cycle: what happens and why?; estimating the effectiveness of FABMs and an overview of effectiveness of specific FABMs.
Suggested Audience: New and seasoned healthcare providers, nurses and any other staff who will attend both webinars.
Slides: Slides (PDF, 1.9 MB)
Recording: Listen to the webinar (1 hour, 3 minutes)
B. How to Use Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs) in the Real World: Counseling and Applications Webinar - 3/4/20
Purpose: Attendee will review FABM applications and learn about counseling and educational tools.
Suggested Audience: New and seasoned healthcare providers, nurses and any other staff who will attend both webinars.
Slides: Slides (PDF, 744 KB)
Recording: Listen to the webinar (38 minutes).
Additional FABMs Resources: 04/27/21
20. Reproductive Life Planning: Deciding If Or When to Have Children Webinar (Pre-recorded) - (Certificate of Attendance offered) - 01/24/20
The Reproductive Life Planning: Deciding If Or When to Have Children Webinar was pre-recorded. The recording is 17 minutes, 31 seconds. ALL staff and supervisors in Nursing, Social Work, Health Education, Interpreters and others are encouraged to view the recording, webinar slides and handout (see slides 11-12) below before providing Reproductive Life Planning counseling and education.
- Two copies of the laminated handout (see slides 11-12) were mailed in January 2020 to the Nursing Director/Manager/Supervisor and Family Planning Nurse Coordinator.
- The two laminated handouts should be used during clinic and/or community Reproductive Life Planning counseling and education sessions as teaching tools. Additional copies can be made locally. Handouts for local printing: English (PDF, 2 MB), Spanish (PDF, 2 MB).
Elizabeth Draper, RN, State Family Planning Nurse Consultant, is the webinar presenter. The pre-recorded webinar provides information to help staff better prepare individuals to identify their own personal goals about becoming pregnant and facilitate their own reproductive health needs. The viewer will complete the following learner outcomes.
Slides, Brochure and Roster/Evaluation/Certificate of Completion
- Slides (PDF, 1 MB)
- Handouts: English (PDF, 2 MB), Spanish (PDF, 2 MB) 04/26/22
- Roster/Evaluation/Certificate - Each viewer of the pre-recorded webinar should complete the short online Roster / Evaluation / Certificate .
- Listen to the RLP recording;Passcode: 4f!@bv7+ (17 minutes, 31 seconds) - 04/25/22
General viewing instructions are as follows.
- Please allow time for the recording to load.
- Adjust your internal or external computer speaker volume as needed to hear the presenters.
- The recording can be heard by using Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers.
- Direct questions about the recording to Mary Rodgers .
Maternal Health Non-Required Trainings - 11/01/2023
The North Carolina Resources for Pregnant and Parenting Women With Substance Use Disorder Live Webinar was held on October 12, 2023, 10 - 11:30 am. This training will provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to address substance use issues during pregnancy and postpartum. The program focuses on educating professionals about the risks and consequences of perinatal substance use, as well as effective interventions and treatment options available in North Carolina. By providing consultation, training and technical assistance, the training will aim to enhance the capacity of healthcare providers to effectively support pregnant or parenting individuals struggling with substance use disorders.
The Public Health Nursing Institute for Continuing Excellence is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. 1.5 NCPD contact hours will be awarded after successful completion of 100% of the activity and completion of the online course evaluation. The archived recording became available on October 30, 2023 . This will be available from 10/30/2023 through 04/27/2025. There will be no partial credit awarded. All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated.
Judith Johnson-Hostler, LCMHC, LCAS, NCC, CSI
Coordinator of the Perinatal Substance Use Project
Handout (PDF, 1.6 MB) Each person should complete the online course evaluation. Information for the evaluation and certificate to document attendance is found in the webinar recording.
Listen to the webinar recording — Passcode: *Ob^CR8W For specific agency questions contact Ebony Tate. This recording will be available until April 27, 2025.
General viewing instructions are as follows.
- Please allow time for the recording to load.
- Adjust your internal or external computer speaker volume as needed to hear the presenters.
- The recording can be heard by using Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers.
- Direct questions about the recording to Ebony Tate.
2. Decoding Prenatal Genetics: Counseling, Testing, and Screening Options Live Webinar - September 8, 2022 - The evaluation is closed and credit is no longer available. 11/01/2023
The Decoding Prenatal Genetics: Counseling, Testing, and Screening Options Live Webinar was held on September 8, 2022, 9:30-11 am. Dr. Talati and Emily Hardisty will discuss current recommendations for genetic screening, counseling, and testing for clients desiring pregnancy and those who are already pregnant. They will review the different types of screening test along with how to help counsel a client so that they make an informed decision. Nursing staff and providers that care for preconception and prenatal clients are encouraged to view this webinar.
Dr. Asha Talati, MD
Maternal Fetal Medicine, Medical Genetics & Genomics
Emily E. Hardisty MS, CGC
Division of Reproductive Genetics University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Handout (PDF, 727 KB) The course evaluation for credit is no longer available.
Listen to the webinar recording - Passcode: CRf4W$dq (1 hour, 29 minutes). For specific agency questions contact Ebony Tate . The content in the recording is still applicable to local agencies so it will continue to be available beyond 10/10/23 with no NCPD contact hours.
General viewing instructions are as follows.
- Please allow time for the recording to load.
- Adjust your internal or external computer speaker volume as needed to hear the presenters.
- The recording can be heard by using Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers.
- Direct questions about the recording to Ebony Tate.
The Inclusive Lactation Support for LGBTQ+ Families Live Webinar was held on August 18, 2022, 10 – 11 am. The archived recording became available on September 5, 2022.
The Public Health Nursing Institute for Continuing Excellence is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. 1.25 NCPD contact hours and up to 1.25 CPH Recertification Credits may be earned upon successful completion.Participants must attend 100% of the educational activity and complete the online course evaluation. No relevant financial relationship exists for anyone in the position to control content for this activity. This webinar will be recorded. The recording will be available for completion until February 18, 2024.
During this presentation we will learn about providing more inclusive lactation support for LGBTQ+ Families in NC. Together we will begin to examine our own biases about breastfeeding, understand the importance of inclusive language in lactation care and identify ways to use more inclusive language in culturally appropriate patient care and healthcare promotion.
Target audience for this presentation includes state and local health department staff working in perinatal, infant and child/adolescent health programs. Examples include Nurses, Family Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, MD’s working in Maternal and Child Health clinics and CMARC Care Managers (0-5 yo), Nutritionists, Health Educators, WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselors, Lay Leaders, Home Visitors, Community Health Workers.
Lily Robin Stevens, MPH
Maternal Health Innovation Program Coordinator, Division of Public Health
Erin Hoffman, MS, RDN, LDN
Nutrition Consultant, Division of Public Health
Diane Beth, MS, RDN, LDN
Nutrition Consultant, Division of Family and Child Wellbeing
Slides (PDF, 1.5 MB) AND Resource List (PDF, 307 KB). Each person should complete the online course evaluation. Information for the evaluation and certificate to document attendance is found in the webinar recording.
Listen to the webinar (58min). This recording will be available until 2/18/24.
General viewing instructions are as follows.
- Please allow time for the recording to load.
- Adjust your internal or external computer speaker volume as needed to hear the presenters.
- The recording can be heard by using Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers.
- Direct questions about the recording to Breastfeeding Coordination Team, dphbreastfeedingcoordinationteam@dhhs.nc.gov
The Perinatal Hepatitis C: Testing Recommendations, Linkages, and Care Webinar was on December 2, 2020 12 - 1:30pm. Directors of Nursing, Supervisors/Managers (who oversee Maternal Health (MH) Clinics) and MH Nurse Coordinators and/or Providers are encouraged to view the archived webinar recording.
The webinar objectives are as follows. Participants will:
- identify when Hepatitis C screening should be done according to CDC 2020 update.
- increase their understanding of how to counsel prenatal clients about Hepatitis C screening and diagnosis.
- discuss perinatal transmission prevention and management of Hepatitis C positive clients.
- increase their knowledge of North Carolina resources for pregnant clients who screen positive for Hepatitis C.
Handout, Evaluation/Certificate and Webinar Recording
Handout (PDF, 647 KB). Each person should complete the online course evaluation to download a certificate and to document attendance.
Listen to the webinar recording (1 hour, 8 minutes) 12/03/20
- Please allow time for the recording to load. Depending upon your connection, it may load in a few seconds or several minutes.
- Adjust your internal or external computer speaker volume as needed to hear the presenters.
- When viewing the recording if 2 speakers are speaking at one time or another issue occurs, please press the "pause" button and press the "resume" button to correct the issue.
- The recording can be heard by using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome web browsers.
Direct questions about the recording to Mary Rodgers.
Christina Caputo, MPH
Viral Hepatitis Program Manager, Communicable Disease Section
Rachel Urrutia, MD, MS, FACOG
Medical Director, Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section
5. Opioid Use in Pregnancy Webinar - November 14, 2019 (No Contact Hours offered) 11/26/19
The Opioid Use in Pregnancy Webinar was on November 14, 2019, 12:00 - 1:00 pm. Directors of Nursing, Supervisors/Managers (who oversee Maternal Health (MH) Clinics) and MH Nurse Coordinators and/or Providers are encouraged to view the archived webinar recording. The webinar objectives are as follows.
- Identify the importance of acknowledging the barriers to accessing care
- Participants will increase their knowledge on North Carolina resources for pregnant and parenting women with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
- Participants will increase their understanding of how to access care for pregnant or parenting women with a SUD
- Participants will be able to discuss new federal legislation requiring states to develop plans of safe care for infants identified as ‘affected’ by substances in utero and how this is being done in North Carolina
Judith Johnson-Hostler, MA, LCAS, NCC, LPC-A
Perinatal Addiction Specialist
Division of Public Health, Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
- Handout (PDF, 257 KB)
- Listen to the recording (51 minutes, 13 seconds)
General instructions to view the recordings are as follows.
- Please allow time for the recording to load. Depending upon your connection, it may load in a few seconds or several minutes.
- When viewing the recording if 2 speakers are speaking at one time or another issue occurs, please press the “pause playback” button and press the “resume playback” button to correct the issue.
- Adjust your internal or external computer speaker volume as needed to hear the presenters.
- The recording can be heard by using Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer web browsers.
- Direct questions about the recording to Mary Rodgers .
6. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Counselor Update Webinar
To access the archived SIDS Counselor Update Webinar, click https://www.mombaby.org/safe-sleep/, scroll to the bottom of the web page, click the NC SIDS Counselor Update Webinar and Resources section and click the links January 2019 Webinar and Webinar Slides. Direct webinar questions to Rebecca Severin .
Support families in understanding the risks and ways to create safer sleep spaces for their infants. Visit Safe Sleep NC for patient education materials and provider resources. A non-credit Safe Sleep training is available and covers the following topics:
- Key sleep-related infant death terms
- National and state trends regarding sleep-related deaths;
- The latest safe sleep recommendations;
- Ways to communicate risk-reduction messages about sleep-related causes of infant death to parents and caregivers; and
- Resources available for additional patient and provider support.
This training was approved by the North Carolina Nurses Association. The contact hours for this training have expired. The training can still be viewed here, but no contact hours are provided at this time. If you have questions or concerns about promoting safe sleep messaging within your clinic or practice, please reach out to Megan Canady or 919-843-7865.
Behavioral Health Trainings
Licensed Clinical Social Workers - Required New Hire Orientation
- Complete: Introduction to Public Health in NC Series
- Schedule and complete: Introductory phone call with state clinical social worker. Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section contact number: 919-707-5700.
- Review: Maternal Health Contract Addenda for Clinic and LCSW's role.
- Review: TIP 57: Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services
- View: Perinatal Substance Use for Healthcare Providers, Part II, Screening and Brief Intervention: Coalition for Alcohol and Drug-Free Pregnancies
- Complete: Free online training on the Columbia Suicide Severity Scale
Health Equity Training 03/15/24
- Resources for Advancing Health Equity
Pregnancy Care Management Training
Pregnancy Care Management: Lessons Learned from the Field Training - September 19, 2013
Description: The Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section Regional Social Work Consultants presented the topic "Pregnancy Care Management: Lessons Learned from the Field" at the North Carolina Public Health Association’s Annual Educational Conference in Asheville, NC on September 19, 2013. Direct any content questions to your Women’s Health Regional Social Work Consultant.
Trainer’s Names:
Tonya Dennis, LCSW, MSW- Eastern Region Social Work Consultant
Tracy Hamilton, ACSW, MSW - Northern Region Social Work Consultant
Deborah Smith, LCSWA, MSW - Southern Region Social Work Consultant
Kelly Spangler, LCSW, MSW, MPA - Western Region Social Work Consultant
- Lessons Learned from the Field (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Impact of Pregnancy Care Managers (PDF, 164 KB)
Pregnancy Care Management Quality Improvement Training - August 27, 2013
Description: The Pregnancy Care Management Quality Improvement Training was held 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at the Village Inn Event Center, Clemmons, NC.
Pregnancy Care Management supervisors, Pregnancy Care Managers, and others involved in oversight of local Pregnancy Care Management programs were encouraged to attend the in-person training . Contact hours for the in-person training were provided through Northwest Area Health Education Center, following attendance at the in-person session and the completion of a post-event online evaluation. Direct any content questions to your Women’s Health Regional Social Work Consultant.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the training session, participants will be able to:
- Provide three examples of using data to develop Quality Improvement activities for Pregnancy Care Management.
- Describe two techniques for developing patient-centered care management interventions.
- List three best practices for building effective relationships with Pregnancy Medical Home providers.
- Agenda (PDF, 105 KB)
- Improving Quality (PDF, 620 KB)
- CMIS Reports (PDF, 686 KB)
- QI Measure One (PDF, 508 KB)
- Supervisor Use of CMIS Reports (PDF, 593 KB)
- Risk Screening Tracking Tool (XLS, 13 KB)
- Questions and Answers (PDF, 153 KB)
- Delivering Patient-Centered Care (PDF, 5 MB)
- Cloud (PDF, 84 KB)
- Panelists (PDF, 123 KB)
Additional Resources
Contact Hour, CME and Other Health Professional Credit Resources
- Reproductive Health National Training Center
- National Clinical Training Center for Family Planning
- NC Area Health Education Centers (AHEC)
- Family Planning/Title X Trainings
- Regional Public Health Centers
- Alabama Public Health Training Network
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- Indian Health Service
- National Association of NPs in Women's Health
- National Preconception Health and Health Care (PCHHC)
- National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center
- National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers
- SAMHSA Training and Technical Assistance Tools
- UNC-CH Continuing Education
Last Modified: 03-12-2025
The NC DHHS WICWS Reproductive Health Branch hosted a two-part webinar opportunity entitled: “Social Media: Connecting Your Family Planning Community” on March 5 and 12, 2024. This two-part webinar will help improve family planning programs' outreach and engagement on social media.
In Session 1, participants learn how to develop social media campaigns through setting clear goals, understanding their priority audience, and developing effective social media content. In Session 2, participants learn how to refine their content to center equity, make the most of social media platforms and algorithms, and evaluate the impact of their social media outreach efforts.
Averyl Edwards, MPH, MSW
Family Planning Medicaid Program Manager, Reproductive Health Branch, Division of Public Health
Naisha Coley, MPH
Reproductive Health Program Consultant, Reproductive Health Branch, Division of Public Health
Webinar Recording
Contact Averyl.Edwards@dhhs.nc.gov for social media webinar questions and resources.
Session 1, March 5: Recording and Slides (PDF, 2.76 MB)
Session 2, March 12: Recording