Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section: Publications and Manuals
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Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section publications and manuals are listed below.
Out-of-state orders will not be filled due to shipping costs. Non-copyright publications may be downloaded from the sections below Brochures, Fact Sheets, and Plans and Download Publications.
Brochures, Fact Sheets, and Plans 08/29/24
Family Planning and Preconception Health Educational Materials 12/04/23
Birth Control Methods/Family Planning
Control after Baby: Family Planning Guide for New Moms; Spanish
Click "Maternal Health Educational Materials" below and see "4th Trimester/Postpartum". - Birth Control Methods Chart See “Download Publications” section below and under “Birth Control Methods/Family Planning”
- Birth Control Visual Guide/ There are more birth control methods than you think; Spanish (Only for Local Health Departments; any agency can order directly from Power to Decide)
- Oops! Emergency Contraception: Birth Control That Works After Sex ; Spanish (Only 1 pad/50 sheets per Local Health Department order) 03/07/23
Male Involvement
- Male Facts (For Parents & Teens)
Nutrition/Weight Management
- Healthy Habits for Life (PDF, 2.88 MB); Mujer, Madre y Amigo (PDF, 429 KB)
- Weight and Men (Spanish only)
- Weight and Women (English only)
- Women and Underweight (PDF, 4 MB)
Preconception Health/Reproductive Life Planning
- Are You Ready? Sex and Your Future Reproductive Life Planning Booklet (PDF, 913 KB); ¿Qué Háras en Tu Futuro? (PDF, 2.3 MB)
- My Health Journal (PDF, 4.9 MB)
Tobacco Cessation - Click "Maternal Health Educational Materials" below and see "Tobacco Cessation".
Maternal Health Educational Materials 8/29/24
Maternal Health/Pregnancy 08/13/24
Test to Save Your Baby's Life
(PDF, 739 KB) 06/27/23
- Una Prueba Para Salvar La Vida De Su Bebé (Spanish; PDF, 927 KB) *Currently Unavailable* May make copies
- اختبار لإنقاذ حياة طفلك (Arabic; PDF, 255 KB)
- Kev Kuaj Xyuas Thiaj Yuav Pab Tau Koj Tus Me Nyuam Mos Txoj Sia (Hmong; PDF, 966 KB)
- 一项可挽救 婴儿生命的 测试 (Chinese; PDF, 319 KB)
- Checking Your Blood Pressure At Home (English & Spanish) See “Download Publications” section below under "Maternal Health/Pregnancy"
- Gestational Diabetes: Before the Baby, After the Baby; La Diabetes Gestacional - Yo y mi Bebé (PDF, 780 KB) *Spanish Currently Unavailable* and may make copies 08/13/24
- Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby (PDF, 16 MB) 11/23; Mamá Saludable, Bebé Saludable (PDF, 10.7 MB)11/23 (English & Spanish items only for Local Health Departments & Piedmont Health Services; maximum order English and Spanish 2 packs/50 booklets) 11/01/23
- North Carolina’s Newborn Screening Program – Prenatal Fact Sheet (Spanish only) (PDF, 1 MB); Combined English/Spanish (PDF, 3 MB)
- Incarcerated Women's Health: Taking Care of You and Baby (PDF, 9 MB); Spanish 07/18/24
4th Trimester/Postpartum
- Baby Health Information (PDF, 169 KB) *Currently Unavailable* May make copies; Informacion de salud del bebe (PDF, 282 KB) *Currently Unavailable* May make copies 11/17/22
- Birth Control after Baby: Family Planning Guide for New Moms ; Métodos anticonceptivos después del bebé 08/29/24
- Birthing Parent Health Information; Spanish 08/29/24
- Postpartum Checklist (PDF, 259 KB); Lista de control postparto (PDF, 253 KB) 11/17/22
- Postpartum Plan (PDF, 842 KB) 11/17/22
Safe Sleep - Infant/Newborn
- Does Your Baby Sleep Safe? Questions and Answers Regarding Safe Sleep (PDF, 3.1 MB); ¿Duerme seguro tu bebé?
- Help Your Baby Sleep Poster (PDF, 12.8 MB); Ayude a que su bebe duerme seguro
- Help Your Baby Sleep Safer Comic Style Flyer; Spanish 07/08/22
- Does Your Baby Sleep Safe? Grandparent/Caregiver Poster (PDF, 3 MB); ¿Duerme seguro tu bebé?
Tobacco Cessation
- Becoming Tobacco Free ; Como dejar el tabaco *Spanish Currently Unavailable* May make copies
- Going Tobacco Free *Currently Unavailable* May make copies
- Benefits of Being Tobacco Free/Facts About E-Cigarettes ; Beneficios de dejar de fumar/los cigarrillos electrónicos
- E-Cigarettes and Vaping: Information for Women and their Families
- If You Smoke and Are Pregnant ; Si usted fuma y está embarazada
- Oh Baby! We Want to Keep You Safe from Secondhand Smoke ; ¡Oh bebé! Queremos mantenerte a salvo del humo de segunda mano
- Tobacco Screening and Cessation Counseling 5As/5Rs (PDF, 429 KB) - English Only
- We Know You Want to Protect Your Family (English/Spanish combined)
- You Quit, Two Quit: A Guide to Help New Mothers Stay Smoke Free ; Usted lo deja, dos lo dejan (de fumar)
- You Quit, Two Quit Practice Bulletin 2023 01-05-23 - English Only
Sickle Cell Educational Materials
- Sickle Cell Syndrome Program Brochure (PDF, 138 KB)
- Sickle Cell Testing for Newborns (English and Spanish)
- What Everyone Should Know About Stroke (Brain Attack)
Order Online Publications Here - Before ordering here, you may preview these Publications below in the Brochures, Fact Sheets, and Plans section. If you don't see the Publication needed, click the Download Publications section below. 08/13/24
Download Publications 01/28/25 - If you don’t see the Publication listed above, click the “Download Publications” link. If you still do not see the material under the “Download Publications” link, the item is no longer available through the Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section.
Office on Women's Health Fact Sheets
Talking with Your Teens About Sex
Family Planning Medicaid 07/31/24
- Family Planning Medicaid Brochure (PDF, 4.2 MB) 07/2024; Spanish (PDF, 5 MB) 07/2024
- Family Planning Medicaid Fact Sheet - Providers (PDF, 1.3 MB) 12/20/23
- Family Planning Medicaid Frequently Asked Questions - Beneficiaries (PDF, 2.1 MB) 12/04/23; Spanish (PDF, 2.4 MB) 11/2023
- Family Planning Medicaid Placemat (PDF, 1.4 MB) 07/2024; Spanish (PDF, 1.4 MB) 07/02/24
- Family Planning Medicaid is for Men, Too! Fact Sheet (PDF, 2 MB) 07/2024; Spanish (PDF, 2.1 MB) 07/2024
- Men’s Preconception Health Flyer (PDF, 202 KB); Spanish (PDF, 2.7 MB) 7/2024
- Men's Preconception Health Flyer – SPORTS (PDF, 206 KB) 4/2024
Birth Control Methods/Family Planning 08/13/24
- Birth Control Method Options Chart; Spanish available soon 08/13/24
- Family Planning: Deciding If or When to Have Children English (PDF, 2 MB); Spanish (PDF, 2 MB) 04/26/22
- Guilford Regional Vasectomy Program (English) (PDF, 577 KB); Programa Regional de Vasectomia: Salud publica Del Condado De Guilford (PDF, 590 MB) 05/01/23
Partners in Contraceptive Choice and Knowledge (PICCK) is an innovative clinical and public health program designed to promote contraceptive choice and effective contraceptive counseling based in Massachusetts. PICCK seeks to help achieve equity in contraception access and promotes shared decision-making approaches to contraceptive counseling.
Contraceptive method information sheets are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Vietnamese, and Arabic. The method information sheets in multiple languages as well as other useful job aids for providers can be found here: The Contraceptive Information Sheets and job aids for Providers .
Please note bullets and counseling sheets below.*
- The method counseling sheets for the Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARC) may indicate they are effective beyond the current FDA approved length of use.
- It is up to each agency to determine if agency policy will permit providers and clients to use data from emerging trials of extended use that suggest Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARCs) remain effective past the expiration date recommended by the FDA.
- The provider/patient would need to discuss before a decision is made , and that discussion would need to be documented in the patient record.
Each set of method counseling sheets in multiple languages includes the following.
- Breast/Chestfeeding as Contraception Information Sheet
- Combined Pills Information Sheet
- Condoms Information Sheet
- Copper IUD Information Sheet*
- Diaphragm and Cervical Cap Information Sheet
- Emergency Contraception Information Sheet
- Fertility Awareness Methods Information Sheet
- Hormonal IUD Information Sheet*
- Implant Information Sheet*
- Patch Information Sheet
- Phexxi Information Sheet
- Progestin Pills Information Sheet
- Pulling Out Information Sheet
- Ring Information Sheet
- Shot Information Sheet
- Spermicide, including Sponge Information Sheet
- Sterilization Information Sheet
NC Making It Work Tool Kit - Supports breastfeeding moms and employers
Gynecological Issues/Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections (STDs/STIs)
- Bacterial Vaginosis ; Spanish 01/31/22
- Chlamydia; Spanish 01/31/22
- Genital Herpes ; Spanish 02/01/22
- Genital Human Papillomavirus (HPV or warts) ; Spanish 01/31/22
- Gonorrhea; Spanish 01/31/22
- Herpes; Spanish 01/31/22
- HIV Prevention and Women ; Spanish 02/01/22
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID); Spanish 01/31/22
- Syphilis; Spanish 02/01/22
- Trichomoniasis (Trich) ; Spanish 02/01/22
- Vaginal Discharge; Flujo Vaginal
- Viral Hepatitis ; Spanish 02/01/22
- Yeast Infection ; Spanish 02/01/22
Infertility/Genetic Counseling
- Infertility Frequently Asked Questions
- Visit Fertility and Infertility under Resources
Male Involvement
Male Self-Exam/ ¿Cómo hacer una autoexploración testicular?
Maternal Health/Pregnancy 08/13/24
- Checking Your Blood Pressure At Home (PDF, 2 MB); Spanish (PDF, 2 MB) 02/08/24
- Lead Resources
- Parent's Guide to Blood Cord Donation Foundation® and Spanish®; Carolinas Cord Blood Bank 11/04/2020
- Gestational Diabetes: Before the Baby, After the Baby (PDF, 628 KB)
- Gestational Diabetes: Healthcare Provider Postpartum Testing (10/10)
- Gestational Weight Gain (PDF, 161 KB) 08/13/24
- Health Care Provider Fact Sheet on Postpartum Care (PDF, 360 KB)
- My Plate for Gestational Diabetes (PDF, 321 KB) 08/13/24
- Our Healthy Baby’s Family Album (PDF, 3.4 MB)
- Plan of Safe Care (PDF, 2 MB); Plan de Cuidado Seguro (PDF, 2 MB)
- Prevent Preterm Labor (34 KB); Prevenga El Parto Prematuro (PDF 34 KB)
- Preventing Chickenpox in Pregnant Women (PDF, 95 KB); La Prevención de la Varicela en las Mujeres (PDF, 223 KB)
- Summary of Public Health Actions Based on Maternal and Infant Blood Lead Levels (PDF, 297 KB)
Maternal Mental Health Patient Education Materials
- Prepared for Anything Poster ; Póster: Usted está preparada para CASI cualquier cosa
- Happiest Time Poster ; ¿Qué tal si en el "momento más feliz de su vida" no se siente tan feliz?
- Speak Up When You’re Down – Perinatal Depression brochure combined English and Spanish
- Action Plan for Mood Changes during Pregnancy or After Giving Birth
- Self Care Plan
National Maternal Mental Health Hotline Materials
- Printable Wallet Cards
- National Maternal Mental Health Hotline ; Spanish
- You’re not alone ; Usted no está solo
- Taking Care of You English 10/2022; Spanish 03/20/24
Preconception Health/Reproductive Life Planning 01/28/25
- Are You Ready to be a Dad? (PDF, 305 KB)
- Are You Ready to be a Mom? (PDF, 189 KB)
- Choices Health Matters for Women (PDF, 3 MB); Mujer Total (PDF, 165 KB)
- Fact sheet: Women & Heart Disease (English); Spanish and for more resources visit Office on Women's Health Heart Disease 08/16/23
- Family Planning: Deciding If or When To Have Children English (PDF, 1.6 MB); Spanish (PDF, 1.7 MB)
- Looking Back, Moving Forward
- My Health Journal - Mi Diario de Salud (PDF, 4.5 MB)
- Planning for Pregnancy; Spanish 08/16/23
- Prepregnancy Care Client Brochure 01/28/25
- Steps to a Healthier me and baby-to-be! 08/16/23
Substance Use
Tobacco Cessation
Zika Virus
- Fact Sheets and Posters - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Visit the N.C. Communicable Disease Branch Zika page for the most current information.
- Zika Virus for Pregnant and Women of Childbearing Age (PDF, 1.3 MB); El Virus Del Zika Mujeres Embarazada y Mujeres en Edad Fetil (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Manuals - 03/03/25
Maternal Health Policy Manual - 02/13/19
The policy manual is divided into five sections with related policies and relevant memos provided in PDF format. Additional policies will be added as they are written and approved.
Care Management for High-Risk Pregnancies (CMHRP) Toolkit - 03/03/25
Section | Topics |
Care Management for High-Risk Pregnancies (CMHRP ) |
What is Care Management for High Risk Pregnancies? Care Management for High Risk Pregnancies (CMHRP) is outcome-focused, with an emphasis on improving birth outcomes through reducing the rate of preterm and low birthweight births and monitors the pregnant Medicaid population and prenatal service delivery system using data. CMHRP applies systems and information to improve care and assist members in becoming engaged in a collaborative process designed to manage medical, social and behavioral health conditions more effectively. Meeting the diverse and complex needs of members requires a holistic, person-centered approach that addresses both physical and behavioral health. A holistic approach must consider the social determinants of health - "conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks" (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2016). The more complex the needs, the more comprehensive the approach should be for assisting the member with a care plan that addresses the whole person and collaborates with other systems that impact the member’s well-being. |
1. Division of Health Benefits (DHB) |
2. Collaborative Partners |
3. Pregnancy Management Program (PMP) |
4. Population Identification |
5. Staffing |
6. CMHRP Core Documents |
7. CMHRP Pathways |
8. CMHRP Supervisory Resources |
9. Training |
10. Contacts |
11. Resources and References |
A Guide for Helping to Eliminate Tobacco Use and Exposure for Women (PDF, 2 MB)
Guidelines for the Identification and Management of Lead Poisoning in Pregnant and Lactating Women
The Management of Sickle Cell Disease Manual
Preconception Health Training Modules for Providers
- The Case for Reproductive Life Planning (PDF, 2.1 MB)
- An Example of a Preconception Health Message: North Carolina Folic Acid Campaign (PDF, 718 KB)
- Cultural Competency and Health Literacy (PDF, 1.3 MB)
- Healthy Weight Healthy Women (PDF, 1.01 MB)
- Contraceptive Methods for Women with Chronic Medical Conditions (PDF, 1.15 MB)
- Women’s Mood Disorders (PDF, 1.07 MB)
- Cultural Competency: Serving American Indian Patients (PDF, 877 KB)
Community Preconception Health Training Manual
- Ready…Set…Plan! – Introduction (PDF, 687 KB)
- Ready…Set…Plan! – Route to Health and Wellness (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Ready…Set…Plan! – Route to Emotional Health and Wellness (PDF, 419 KB)
- Ready…Set…Plan! – Route to Planning a Family (PDF, 1.42 MB)
Last Modified: March 03, 2025