Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section
Funding opportunities
10-23-2024: RFA A416: Request for Applications to Provide Care Coordination, Counseling and Education Services to Sickle Cell Clients, Families and Communities in Select North Carolina Counties for FY 2026-2028
The North Carolina Division of Public Health, Women, Infant, and Community Wellness Section, Infant and Community Health Branch has released a Request for Applications (RFA)# A416- Provide Care Coordination, Counseling and Education Services to Sickle Cell Clients, Families and Communities in Select North Carolina Counties for FY 2026-2028. Please go to https://wicws.dph.ncdhhs.gov/ or https://ncsicklecellprogram.dph.ncdhhs.gov/ to download the following:
- Request for Applications A416 Provide Care Coordination, Counseling and Education Services to Sickle Cell Clients, Families and Communities in Select North Carolina Counties for FY 2026-2028 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Request for Application Form (Word 1.1 MB)
- Open Windows Budget Form (Excel, 262 KB)
- Open Windows Budget Form Instructions (PDF, 550 KB)
- 10/23/24 RFA Questions and Answers (PDF, 138 KB)
The North Carolina Sickle Cell Syndrome Program is seeking applications from organizations to offer services in local communities to individuals with sickle cell disease, sickle cell trait and related blood disorders. Public agencies, non-profit organizations, local health departments, area health education centers and federally qualified health centers that provide services in one or more of the following 19 counties are eligible to apply for funds under this RFA. The 19 counties include: Alamance, Carteret, Caswell, Craven, Cumberland, Forsyth, Greene, Guilford, Harnett, Hoke, Jones, Lenoir, Mecklenburg, Onslow, Pamlico, Randolph, Robeson, Rockingham, and Wayne.
How to Apply:
The announcement of the RFA and instructions for receiving the RFA will be posted at the following DHHS website on 10/03/2024-https://wicws.dph.ncdhhs.gov/ and on the North Carolina Sickle Cell Syndrome Program’s website - https://ncsicklecellprogram.dph.ncdhhs.gov/ and may be sent to prospective agencies and organizations via email, direct mail and/or the Program’s website.
All prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a Bidder’s Conference/Microsoft Teams meeting on 10/9/2024 from 1:00 pm to 2:30pm. To participate, please send an email stating your intention to participate in the Microsoft Teams Meeting to Kimberly.Leathers@dhhs.nc.gov on or before 5:00 pm on October 8, 2024.
Written questions concerning the specifications in this Request for Applications will be received until close of business on 10/15/2024. As an addendum to this RFA, a summary of all questions will be posted on https://wicws.dph.ncdhhs.gov/ & https://ncsicklecellprogram.dph.ncdhhs.gov/ by 10/22/2024.
Deadline for Submission: 5:00 pm on Wednesday November 6, 2024
Application Process Summary Dates
10/2/2024 Request for Applications released to eligible applicants.
10/9/2024 Bidder’s Conference / Teleconference.
10/15/2024 End of Q&A period. All questions due in writing by 5pm.
10/22/2024 Answers to Questions released to all applicants, as an addendum to the RFA.
11/6/2024 Applications due by 5pm.
11/26/2024 Successful applicants will be notified.
06/1/2025 Contract begins.
Direct all inquiries concerning this RFA to: Kimberly Leathers, Kimberly.Leathers@dhhs.nc.gov
News and Highlights
NC 2018-2019 Maternal Mortality Review Report February 2024 (PDF, 9.6 MB) 03/06/24
NC Doula Landscape Analysis and Summit Report 2023 (PDF, 5.4 MB) 12/04/23
COVID-19 Vaccines Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Fertility: What You Need to Know

NC Perinatal Health Strategic Plan 2022-2026
The NC Perinatal Health Strategic Plan (PHSP) serves as a statewide guide to improve maternal and infant health and the health of all people of reproductive age. The plan's primary focus is increasing health equity, which is the opportunity for every person to have good health regardless of social and economic factors. The first PHSP began implementation in 2016, and the state continues to strive to achieve perinatal health equity. This plan, created for 2022-2026, seeks to address both the challenges of structural racism and of the COVID-19 pandemic by focusing on the drivers of health. Please visit and share our updated website with your friends, community partners, and agencies. 04/25/23
The NC Division of Public Health (DPH) brought together more than 100 stakeholders from across the state, currently known as the Perinatal Health Equity Collective, to develop this revised plan (PDF, 11 MB) and will continue to work with public, nonprofit, and private partners along with individuals with lived experiences to implement the plan and assess progress. To get involved or to ask questions, send us an email.
Plan of Safe Care (POSC)
09/11/18: A federal mandate went into effect on July 31, 2017 that requires health care providers involved in delivery and care of infants in North Carolina (and all states) to notify child welfare when an infant is identified by a medical provider
as being affected by:
- Mom’s untreated substance use disorder
or having:
- Withdrawal signs and symptoms
- Signs of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
- A positive urine, meconium, or umbilical cord segment substance test with provider concerns.
This law also requires that a Plan of Safe Care (POSC) is developed for these infants. The POSC English (PDF, 2 MB) and Spanish (PDF, 2 MB) pamphlets provide basic information for patients regarding how and why a Plan of Safe Care is created. Agencies should download the brochures as needed.
Legislation was enacted by the NC General Assembly in December 2015 to establish the NC Maternal Mortality Review Committee (MMRC). The MMRC is charged with reviewing all maternal deaths in the state to determine if pregnancy related or pregnancy associated.
The MMRC also has the responsibility to make recommendations for improvement. The DHHS was awarded a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) grant to support the work of the MMRC in late 2019. This is the first report (PDF, 7.3 MB) of the MMRC based on data from 2014-2016.
Quick Links
NC Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Application (PDF) 09/04/24
OPA Family Planning Clinic Locator - Click the locator link to find a Title X Family Planning Clinic near you and call to make your appointment!
Women’s Preventive Health Services Covered By The Affordable Care Act (ACA) - Preventive Health Services for Women
North Carolina Medical Center Resources - High-Risk Prenatal Care Resource List (PDF, 23 KB)
Order Form
What We Do
The Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section develops and promotes programs and services that protect the health and well-being of infants and of women during their child-bearing years. The goal is to improve the overall health of women, reduce infant sickness and death, and strengthen families and communities.
The Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section also offers guidance, consultation and training for professionals who provide women's health services.
Local health departments and other community agencies serving each of the 100 counties in North Carolina provide a variety of these women's health services, including family planning, prenatal care, flu shots and other women's immunizations, and pregnancy care management. For more information on the services near you, contact your local health department.
The Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section is part of the North Carolina Division of Public Health.
Related Sites/Information
- Before, Between, and Beyond Pregnancy
- Division of Child and Family Well-Being
- Division of Public Health
- Immunization Section
- Injury and Violence Prevention Section
- March of Dimes
- Men’s Health Network
- Mom and Baby
- NC Association of Local Health Directors
- Office on Women's Health
- Plan of Safe Care (POSC)
- Preconception Health and Health Care
- Reproductive Health National Training Center (RHNTC)
- Show Your Love: Preconception Health
- Sickle Cell Syndrome Program
- Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiatives (TPPI)
- Tobacco Prevention and Control Section
Mailing Address
Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section
1929 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1929
Courier Number: 56-23-01
Physical Address
5601 Six Forks Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27609
Main: (919) 707-5700
Fax: (919) 870-4827
Last Modified: 10-23-2024